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Visual Limes’ Nefrosoft® in the Spanish Society of Nephrology National Congress 2014

With the presence of Visual Limes the company developer of the information system software Nefrosoft®, held the XLIV National Congress of Nephrology of the Spanish Society of Nephrology (S.E.N.) past year 2014 during the days 4th to 7th October. This scientist event is considered the principal about Nephrology in Spain, which brings together more than

Visual Limes’ Nefrosoft® in the Spanish Society of Nephrology National Congress 2014 Read More »

Visual Limes attends the XXXII congress of the Valencian Society of Nephrology 2015

The Congress of the Valencian Society of Nephrology held in Valencia on 27th and 28th February. It was an encounter between different services and specialists of Nephrology of our Community. From Visual Limes was present Mr. Emilio Navarro and Mrs. Ana Bañuls sponsoring and supporting communication of the M.D. Mª Dolores Arenas, who spoke about “how

Visual Limes attends the XXXII congress of the Valencian Society of Nephrology 2015 Read More »