Visual Limes has ready the new release of Nefrosoft® 6.4

With the usual frequency from Visual Limes we announce a new release of Nefrosoft® 6.4 with new improvements and new functionalities.

In this new version of Nefrosoft®, we have fixed several issues that have been notified by the users in recent months so now its performance is more robust and fluid. We have also incorporated a number of improvements over previous versions.

The main new features incorporated to the new Nefrosoft version are the following ones.

One of the major improvements to the control of the vascular access in hemodialysis patients is the incorporation of the baseline situation, because we can forecast the decrease of the effectiveness of the vascular access with a set of controls that are configured for each patient.

When the data of the three last sessions aren’t in the correct range as indicated for each variable, it will appear an alert to advice the nurse attending the patient during the hemodialysis session and at the same time it will alert the patient’s physician in the section of pending tasks as it is shown.

In the analytics and treatments profiles section it will appear a table with the results for each parameter in every day the patient has had an analytical and at the bottom of the hemodialysis treatment it will appear, putting the dose had at that time.

From this screen, you can change the Treatment Guideline and even see the Charts of evolution of the profile parameters as shown in the following figure:

In addition we have enabled a new feature to merge patient’s duplicate data in the system.

In this screen, you must complete the Old number of Patient’s General Record and the new definitive one. This will preload the patient’s basic data to avoid mistakes.

We also have new features in the section of Nurse Evaluation Report, in the one we can display patient’s information such as diagnostics, latest viral marker, previous vascular access, HD tolerance to treatments in hemodialysis, last vascular access, data in recent sessions and general assessment.

We have also incorporated a number of new fields to the hemodialysis guideline from the monitor that will overturn the records of the hemodialysis session.

  • Scheduled conductivity: Na(mEq/l) and Bic(mEq/l).
  • Monitor Temperature.
  • Automatic bath flow.
  • Sealed of the catheter.

We have also added new fields to hemodialysis session such as.

  • TMP (Transmembrane Pressure), Na conductivity and monitor temperature.
  • Hemostasis Control.
  • HLA sensitization.
  • To split out between arterial y venous re-punction.
  • New types of used material.
  • It creates automatically in the system records the drugs administered during the session and the ussed materials.

Another new feature in the data treatment section are the new graphs of D/D0 Glucose, D/P Creatinine and D/P Urea in the PET.

We will have soon a new version of Nefrosoft 6.5, with new features such as hemodialysis Patient’s Schedule Manager.

We will keep you informed about new updates of Nefrosoft for any additional information you can contact us through