Visual Limes, reinforcing Excellence in Quality and Security with the Latest Standards

At Visual Limes, we are pleased to announce that we have consolidated our promise of excellence and safety in software development with the update and renewal of our certifications.

  • Commitment to Quality, ISO 9001:2015: Our certification according to the ISO 9001:2015 standard emphasize our focus on continuous improvement and operational efficiency, always aiming for customer satisfaction.
  • Commitment to Information Security, ISO/IEC 27001:2022: Transitioning to the latest version of the standard enhances our information security infrastructure, integrating the most advanced practices in cybersecurity and risk management.
  • Commitment to information protection in the public sector, ENS High Level and Standard Update: We have raised our level in the National Security Scheme (ENS) from medium to high, which implies higher protection and stricter security measures to protect highly sensitive information. Additionally, we have updated to the latest version of the standard, reflecting our adaptation to significant changes in the cybersecurity landscape and digital transformation.

These adaptations to the most current security standards, as well as raising our categorization in the ENS, not only demonstrate our ability to adapt and meet the most demanding standards but also ensure that our customers benefit from secure and high-quality software solutions.

We thank our employees, customers and partners for their continuous support and trust in Visual Limes.