Since we announced the new version of Farhos Hospital Pharmacy Management System V.4.6 we have been working on new improvements and features that led us to launch the version 4.7 of our system Farhos on June of 2016 and the version 4.8 at the end of the year.
Farhos v4.7
Starting from these version is necessary a version of Java 1.7 or higher for the correct operation of Farhos.
In this version we have introduced a new module of management of client accounts and password security, we have included new reports to the plan of contingency and corrected minor errors.
With the version 4.7 novel functionalities has been introduced:
1.New aspect of the prescription register search engine:
2.Now you can mark as urgent a medicine for its prompt administration:
Clicking on the symbol pointed out on the image below the medicine would be marked as urgent for its administration.
3.Now you have a new elaboration report in the module of Oncology of pharmacy.
Clicking on the elaboration report the following screen would be shown:
Filling out the data of the filter a report would open as shows the image below:
4.In external patients now you can make refunds of medication by UH and see the report from the deliveries.
5.With Farhos you have a new integration with the Medispan module, with clinical information of medicines and security alerts in the prescriptions.
Farhos 4.8
1.With these version DUES accounts can see the nutrition record and observations from its tab and the eMAR module.
2.You can print the labels of the medicine sent out of turn without the need to be processed the delivery.
3.Now with Farhos you can create alerts by medicine or active principle when the patient suffers any insufficiency, pregnancy or lactation:
4.We have introduced a new section of “leaflet” for every medicine where you can add in the file enriched text:
And PDF documents:
It’s visible from the information button in the prescription and the eMAR
5.New values of minimal, maxima arterial pressure and temperature in the analytic section (apart of the existent of BM-Test) which you can introduce manually to create new analytics with those values.
6.You can calculate the volume of a mixture from the velocity in drops/minute and the duration (useful for fluid therapy).
7.Now with Farhos the prescriptions are capable of creating administrations in intervals per minute.
8.DUES accounts can enter simultaneously with doctors and Pharmacy (parametrical).
9.Now you can visualize the bed description in the lists of cart filling:
in the cart labels and labels for the out of turn medicine:
10.Now in the section of Pharmcothecne of the Pharmacy module you can chose the composition in different units:
11.If you don’t have the integration with HIS, Farhos would let reenter a patient newly registered (with the prescription suspended).
12.We have defined as obligatory to add a cause when the administration is canceled in the Oncology module.
13.With Farhos now you can create administrations of medicines that are not prepared in pharmacy.
14.Now the past infusers that are initiated will be able to finish automatically.
15.Already it’s available the integration with LDAP in Madrid.
We will inform you about new versions of Farhos and its new features in the usual way we do.