The Congress of the Valencian Society of Nephrology held in Valencia on 27th and 28th February.
It was an encounter between different services and specialists of Nephrology of our Community.
From Visual Limes was present Mr. Emilio Navarro and Mrs. Ana Bañuls sponsoring and supporting communication of the M.D. Mª Dolores Arenas, who spoke about “how to ensure quality in dialysis?”
M.D. Arenas spoke of quality in dialysis units, which can result in improved diagnosis of the kidney disease, directly affecting the quality of treatment and consequently improve patient prevalence.
Nefrosoft® has a module of quality indicators, through it can be done studies and evaluations of all those who want to define indicators about the data recorded during use of the software in nephrology unit, existing assessment profiles already defined as labeled by the S.E.N.
In short term we will add to Nefrosoft® new preset indicators related with the vascular access.
To exploit this tool and to compare the results of the assessments made by each center, with respect to other centers participating in the study, there is a general repository where to send the results of the indicators defined by the S.E.N.
The sent data are personal (not visible to others) and used to make the averages and other calculations relevant to compare individual data with the general and to assess in which items we should improve.
Currently to send the evaluations from Nefrosoft® to that repository managed by the S.E.N. is waiting to be activated again after reaching an agreement with the parties involved.