Recently, news of the digitalization of the hemodialysis area at the Francesc Borja Hospital has been published in the newspaper “Las Provincias”. Citing the news “Francesc Borja Hospital of Gandía is committed to Nefrosoft for the digitalization of its hemodialysis area, improving patient safety, saving management time and completely eliminating the role of its unit.” To access the publication click here.
Francesc Borja Hospital has been a pilot center for the implementation of Nefrosoft´s bidirectional integration with dialysis monitors.
The entire department of nephrology of the hospital is fully digitized covering all its treatment modes (hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis and predialysis) and integrated with its medical record.
With this new development it is now possible from Nefrosoft to send the medical prescription to the dialysis monitors in addition to receiving as of now the sessions data in Nefrosoft.
This Integration accompanies new features in Nefrosoft, especially for the tablet version. Other functionalities include nursing care in the stage prior to the start of dialysis. To this end, new windows have been designed in the confirmation of weights providing information about:
- Preparation of the session material
- Data from previous sessions.
- Tasks to perform in the session.
- The nursing flow is facilitated and streamlined, being able to fill in session information beforehand. An example of this is the assignment of nurses to patients and the registration of anticoagulation administration.
- Weight balance restructuring for the calculation of UF. The different concepts of the weight balance (weights, volume inputs,…) are presented in an automated way and making visible its calculation.
As for the prescription of the guideline by the Nephrologist, greater security is guaranteed by incorporating restriction of the schedule fields to a allowed range of values and alerts in case any mandatory field is missing.
There are numerous benefits of the bidirectionality and digitalization:
- Paper and time saving management. As we have commented, nursing has an exclusive version for tablets. The use of tablets together with the bidirectional integration of monitors minimizes the use of paper to the maximum by having all the necessary information at the bedside. In this way, there is a reduction of time in the transcription of information and optimization of care processes, decrease in the workload of the nursing staff, allowing a reallocation of resources in the management of the renal patient.
- Security and effectiveness of the session. Automatic download of information brings security to the information collected and prevents errors. Although patients do not directly perceive the benefits associated with digitalization, experts point to greater confidence due to the greater control and safety they appreciate from the nephrologist and nurses in the comprehensive management of their disease.
- Data management and treatment customization. The availability of data contributes to the development of research and clinical trials. In addition, in the case of hemodialysis, the availability of real time parameters allows healthcare professionals to anticipate and prevent complications and adverse effects.
- Systemic Optimization process. Improvements in the flow of nursing have been implemented by assisting nursing in day to day work and reducing the time of information transcription.
- Reporting. It is possible to see reports from the current dialysis session shift or specific reports about the count of required material from the tablet.