As every year, Visual Limes has carried out together with SGS ICS Ibérica the inspection of the Quality Management System according to the new ISO 9001:2015 standard, successfully overcoming this inspection process and obtaining the renewal of the certificate until 2020.
The inspection took place last Thursday, May 3rd, 2018 where meetings were held with the different areas of the company involved in the key processes and support processes for the correct service to our customers by inspecting the different records and evidences related to those processes.
We recently received the copy of the certificate as we show below.
To maintain the validity of the certificate, from Visual Limes, in addition to the work of continuous improvement and the continuous management of the records of our activity of products and services, we perform the corresponding inspections every year for the correct maintenance and validity of the certificate.
For any additional information about the details of our Quality Management System, please contact us.