During the year 2018 in Visual Limes we have worked together with systems of the Galician Health Service in the integration of our nephrology information system Nefrosoft® with the digital signature system and access to the electronic medical record portal.
The IANUS electronic signature system allows users of the medicine and nursing areas of different hospitals to securely access the different systems in use at SERGAS, among which Nefrosoft® can now also be accessed.
In this way, the doctor can identify the patient in the system from the health card and thus be able to record the follow-up of their treatments and their clinical history.
Nefrosoft® can also be integrated with other systems, in order to share data with the HIS of the hospital, laboratory results, active user directory, dialysis monitors with session data, etc …
In this case, Nefrosoft also allows you to collect the details of the patient’s hemodialysis session, so that nurse and medicine can record everything that happened during the treatment. Nursing can use Nefrosoft from a tablet, to register and follow the treatment in real time.
As always we will continue to report all the news in the information systems sector of Nephrology and other health services. For any additional information, request a demonstration of the Nefrosoft® system.